Maundy Thursday Service

Mark your calendars for Maundy Thursday April 17th at 6pm. We will share in a meal together and worship together while reflect on the last supper Jesus shared with the disciples.  This year we will share soup and fresh baked bread.  There are sign ups available in fellowship hall to bring soup or bread.  You don’t have to make the bread from scratch but please bake it fresh if you can!  There is no cost to this meal, but a love offering will be collected for the Welcome Table, a free weekly meal program that will help feed anyone who comes.

Family Game Night

On Saturday April 12, 2014 come to church for a family game night. We’ll play in fellowship hall from 5pm until 8pm. Everyone (all ages) is welcome.  We’ll have nachos and pop.  Bring your favorite game and nacho topping to share. We’ll have a movie for anyone who doesn’t want to play games. Come enjoy a fun night!

Ready for Lent?

Come enjoy pancakes on Shrove Tuesday (March 4th) from 5pm to 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall, then come Ash Wednesday (March 5th) at 6pm for Ash Wednesday dinner (Chili) and worship at 6:45pm.  Both dinners are free will offerings and everyone is welcome.  Come prepare your hearts for the journey to the Easter Resurrection!