Serving up Spuds!

The youth group will be serving up a delicious potato bar on Sunday February 15th after the 10:15am worship.  We’ll have toppings galore and delicious desserts. A free will offering will be collected to support the youth group.  The offering will help offset the recent carpet purchase in the youth room and help fund the meals, activities, and supplies for youth of all ages.

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes

Join in the delicious tradition of Shrove Tuesday Pancake dinner on Tuesday February 17th . We begin serving at 5pm and finish at 6:30pm.  The cost is a free will offering.  It’s a delicious way to enjoy your evening.

Ash Wednesday Worship

On Wednesday February 18 at 6:30pm we will have an intimate and contemplative Ash Wednesday worship service.  This worship will help us as we begin the Lenten journey. The worship is for all ages and is in the Sanctuary.  (Note there is no Youth group this evening).

Christmas Eve Services

This year we will welcome the birth of Jesus in worship on Wednesday December 24th at our 7:00pm and 11:30pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend the service they chose.  Each has unique aspects.  The 7pm service is geared towards families and we’ll have cookies and cocoa after worship.  The 11:30pm worship is a traditional candlelight service.

The Welcome Table

The Welcome Table continues to provide free dinners every Thursday between 5:00pm and 6:00pm at the church. This ministry is not supported in the budget and therefore relies solely on contributions for funding.

Attendance has doubled since we began serving on May 1, 2014.  We anticipate an increase in participation during colder weather.

Please consider making a donation to support this ministry.  Make checks payable to ” HPCC – Welcome Table.”

Sincerely – Trudy McCormick & Toni Gross

Called Congregational Meeting

Called Congregational Meeting

On Sunday July 20, 2014 after worship we will have a called congregational meeting regarding the air conditioning units in fellowship hall.  Please plan to attend.